Saturday, September 5, 2020

Improvements vs change (for the sake of change)

Have you noticed how every social platform is shaking things up? Do you think they're trying to justify the salaries of their employees? 

Not sure I like the changes at first try. Since everyone uses the same platforms, we're stuck with random "improvements." Once we get used to them, many updates aren't as bad as initially thought. Mind you, not every improvement is an upgrade. And not every platform change is needed.

Today it takes an extra click to upload a pic for the blog; formerly pics didn't disappear until the blog was published. Nope - gone; either I have to upload the pictures at one time and move them around ... or upload one at a time. And the spacing is messed up. There is no preview (though it shows, "creating preview.") The preview is nowhere to be found, so please pardon the typos. I have to unpublish the post in a complicated set of clicks any time I find an error. Thank you not, Google Blogger.

And FB may be my exception to the "well, oh, ok" attitude I try to foster for techie usage. I'm a dummy on such things anyway, so most fails are mine. I use my computer; much of the stuff took an easy one-click on FB classic (with one tab). Trying to find the new "improved" arrangement means a multi-click exploration of "where did they put that?" Anyone else think it's silly?

I've never liked the FB mobile app = too clumsy. Now they've given the computer version a similar format. Why? I keep switching back to classic FB (until they take it down) - but I have to switch to that every time I open my computer. Let me just say, ... not every addition is a success, dear FB.

Writing this on Saturday morning, I pause my ruminations to put on bug repellent. Chikungunia is going around and around the hill. W refuses repellent and had a mild rash a few weeks ago. K, who is irresistible to mosquitoes regardless of what she uses, had it last week. And it was miserable. So far, I've escaped by routinely slathering on Deet every day. Rounds of dengue (a related fever) and malaria are ongoing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

In the late evening, Paulina, owner of the beloved Pino Terrace (and now of the new Pino Bakehouse) has dropped by with a lovely package. It's a crepe-cake, unlike anything we've eaten before. Not too sweet but delicious! (I don't like globs of frosting. This has that "just-right" balance.) I pass the cute little flowers and white chocolate to W and K, who like deep sugar.

W and I like going to Pino on Wednesday mornings. We often order Western pancakes, eggs, and ramen noodles. Plus tea of course. Paulina is always warm and friendly, as is the rest of the staff. But this is an exquisite surprise. THANKS, Paulina and bakers. Wow.

It's a good walk in the tea plantations, ending with a soak in the hot springs near the volcano. The walk is 9000 steps, just enough to get our blood moving.

We leave for the mountains at 8:00. (We often don't leave until 8:40 or so, waiting for others). Veronica is kind enough to plan an early start to beat the heat of dry season. It's still quite warm by the time we're in the tea fields. See how they've been trimmed? These bushes are decades old and still sheared hard every year.

The ground is fertile from volcanic eruptions so everything grows quickly. The volcano has quieted down but some puffs can be seen from our trail.

In dry season, the paths are dusty but not overgrown. We and the dogs don't care. It's wonderful to be outside. See the big bee above? (Some bees grow nearly 2" long. You sure hear them when they fly into the open doors of the house.)

The slopes have been planted with terraced acres and acres of tea. The area is known for its teas, esp Green and Green Jasmine types. I didn't like the taste of Bandung teas with the chlorinated water of Seattle, but with local water they are wonderful.

My watch records 14 storeys, total elevation. (The upward walk from the car.) Along the way, the trail winds up and down, which doesn't count. It's "climb down and back up" about 5 - 6 storeys to the waterfall. There's no one on the stairs so I run the steps rather than walking and pushing up from a walk, and my knees feel fine. W and I stroll a gentle slope (1 km, 10+ storeys) down the road to the springs, too. Feels good.
As always, Gracia Spa is beautiful. Their flower displays are amazing. They've raised the price to more than double what it used to be ($3 when we first came.) W sighs over the increase.
We enjoy it anyway. Four walkers are the only ones in the pool most of the time: there might be 2 or 3 other families in the whole area (4 pools). Reminds me of Harrison Hot Springs; my friends and I visited HHS most Monday nights in winters when we were teenagers.
Lunch at poolside is indifferent but that's better than bad. Smiles.

I hear baying in the night - Cocoa is chasing something. And then I heart the throaty chirp of a successful kill. He catches one of the many civits that roam the jungle and our yards. Not a pretty sight - W puts it in the jungle once it's dead. Food for others.

The domestic and feral cats roaming our neighborhood kill birds and mice and all kinds of things, but a civit seems more substantial. I want to say, "Good dog, Cocoa" for following her instincts. When she makes a catch or kill, she doesn't mangle the critter. She leaves the catch for us to enjoy. Ugh. Poodles are bred to be hunters and retrievers. But I wait to say, "Good girl," when she snarfs down her food.

The dogs each have a new $1.70 eating dish from Mr D.I.Y. They are trying to increase their speed at eating from it, but the plastic ribs slow them down. Poodles are prone to bloat - we want to keep Cocoa around as long as possible.

After a good sleep, I'm ready to create something. I enjoy the collages of Anne Marie Grgrich of Tacoma so I pull out a 12"X16" art canvas and a few decor magazines. Glue. Rip out some ads and displays. Let's see ... 
  • Ralph Lauren checkered tea set? In. (Background for eyes.)
  • Sinks and faucets. In. (Mouth and hairline.)
  • An ad for earrings. In. (Eyes.)
  • A modern chair. In. (Lips.)
  • Curtain fabric? In. (Can you spot it in a few places?)
  • A meadow? In. (Chin and forehead.)
  • A model's forehead? (A perfect nose.)
  • A rug? (Eyebrows.)
  • Seaside? In. (Where is it?)
What else do you see? It's great fun and suddenly there's the outline of a face. It's nowhere near as refined as her students. I've always liked shapes. Needs paint, more layers ... 
We get legal papers for the non-profit group, the work of two years. We are so grateful to God for this legal covering. WOOHOO.

Read more:
*Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

  Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song,

  for the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.

In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.

  The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;

  for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Psalm 95:1-7

*Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! For he commanded, and they were created. Psalm 148:3,5

You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created. Revelation 4:11

Moravian Prayer; Master Designer, with a majestic and gracious hand, you created all things bright and beautiful. We bow before you in worship because you alone are worthy of our thanks and praise. Amen.

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