Sunday, May 5, 2024

Endless spring energy

Friday, May 3, 2024

Spring has a firm grip where most of our friends live in the northern hemisphere. And our all-year-round hydroponic system is almost ready. The pipes are repaired and painted. PakA applies so much paint that it's still wet since Wednesday. W washes it off his hands. (No wonder we'll need to buy more for the gate.) Next we'll slot in recycled drinking cups filled with soil and seeds and sluice water through. 

In the afternoon, teatime is with the monthly book group. We're discussing Breath by Nestor: how breathing works and what it does. We find it interesting, though it sounds like a bore before we started reading it.
DrI brings a homemade chocolate cake to celebrate Marji's bday. She's an amazing cook and baker. The cake tastes so much like the one my mom made every birthday that I tear up with memories. DrI promises us the recipe. Yum.
It's a small group today but most have known each other for decades. DrI chooses Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles for next month's discussion. We sit under the trees at Goodlife Cafe and enjoy our drinks and sweet treats.
First is a 5:00 meeting. Then W and I read the talk for Sunday before walking the dogs on the neighborhood loop. PakG has taken the day off to prepare for a family wedding. W heads off to meetings in town. While he's away, I sign off on an intern for next year, reset my teaching calendar, and tackle other work.

What's that jumping under the chair in our bedroom? A frog has made it in from the garden. I see its back legs hop under the chair, open the door to the outside, and hope it finds its way out. Frogs are climbers and I don't want it in bed with us tonight. I never see it again.

"Bake a cake!" is my waking instruction at 4am. I try a new recipe which turns out moist and delicious. The simple ganache topping is 1 c whipping cream, boiled and poured over a chocolate bar. (Stir after 5 min, let sit 5 min to thicken, then spread it over the cake.) 

Why bake a cake before church? At 34, Herbert is almost done with his masters studies. We're going to give him his first birthday party. It's our tradition to pray on the first Sunday for those with a birthday that month. He's a May baby as well. Alice brings the cake to the front and he blows out the candles in one go.
The team celebrates him at lunch and tells him how special he is to us. There's a second bakery cake, too.
We pray together as well. We have a wonderful international group leading various kinds of service. Our families join the meal.
On social media, it's fun to see graduation pictures from around the world. Our friends have earned master and doctoral degrees; their kids are getting bachelor degrees. We celebrate all their hard work. On FB from 12 years ago, my grad pictures pop up - I look exhausted. I was so ill that week that I could barely keep my eyes open. (Here, standing beside fellow graduate Doug Clark.)
It's a treat that so many friends are done with studies or almost there. No one gives away earned doctorates - it takes years of hard work, with friends and mentors encouraging us along the way!

After a long sleepless pause (11-4), I fall asleep again until 6:30. Sigh. I hate these interrupted nights, though I get through 2 Corinthians, Galatians, and most of Ephesians. A bonus: I'm learning to love scripture in new ways, discovering the Living Word in the unintended waking hours.

One of Ibu Titik's arrangements graces the entry.
The other is on the coffee table - how uplifting to see them when I walk into the living room.
W's already back from walking the dogs when I head out to walk and pray through some new neighborhoods. That is refreshing. It's 10:00 before I've got the documents printed that I need to do my work. I focus after some tea and cake - if you EVER get a chance to try this, do. Thanks to friends for this pick-me-up!
Read more:
*The Lord said, “O that my people would listen to me.” Psalm 81:13

*A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother. Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire. Proverbs 29:15, 17

*I am with you, says the Lord, to save you. Jeremiah 30:11

*Continue securely established and steadfast in the faith, without shifting from the hope promised by the gospel that you heard. Colossians 1:23

*Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested. Hebrews 2:18

Moravian Prayer: Our God and Savior, you know our human frailties, our problems, our failings. Be with us this day to guide us through each test and save us with your grace. 

O still small Voice, open our ears that we may hear what you are saying. Silence the clamor of the world around us for just an instant, that we may hear and act on your word. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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