Monday, December 18, 2023

Almost Christmas. Not singing yet.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

10 days to Christmas Eve. Wow.

W is updating my computer from 5 iterations of WORD. It looks different but feels the same. Parts of the updates are not yet working. Tonight we'll bring the phone up to date and maybe that will fix some glitches. If I were not married to a techie, I'd still be on a dial phone.

As soon as W opens the hatch of the car, the dogs jump in. They know it's hiking day: Thursday. The two poodles wait almost 10 minutes until PakG arrives and we get in the car. The other big dog waits until we're ready to go. (He's the most savvy.)

We head for the hills at 8:00 and are at the tea fields an hour later. The fields are bright green and the trail is flat much of the way. We pass a shelter made of palm fronds. You don't need a furnace or air conditioner and the dried leaves keep the rain out. What more do you need?
I have the correct hiking shoes on today so I don't slip and slide. Some of my hiking soles skitter over the mossy rocks and packed mud. Today's are true trail shoes with secure footing.
In the forest, W walks ahead and hacks downed branches with a machete.
Sometimes the view is so stunning we stop and just stare. We climb the equivalent of 19 flights of stairs but it feels like a slow stroll.
We meet Veronica for lunch at Ethnic and chat until after 2:00. It's an easy walk home, with less than 3.5 miles on my tracker. (It's like walking 3 1/2 loops around the neighborhood, but much prettier.)

On my walk, I try to avoid the wobbly base of the 30' (10 meter) wall - there's a house and top-floor swimming pool leaning against it. It's cracked partway up. When it falls, whatever is under it is a ruin. 
W has gout in his foot and stays off it for a few days. Sort of. He's not good at resting so he limps all around the house and yard - and on Sunday, the GG hall. I remember when Dad's remark when I gave myself painful consequences, "Well, it doesn't hurt me." 

Our durian tree, full of dozens of fruits, is shedding nubby balls in the driveway. I pick up a few to spray them with bright motorcycle paints. Silver. Red. Green. Popped under some dry branches holding up colored lights, they look cheery.
We appreciate time with God's people and sharing Communion together. "His body, broken for us. His blood, shed for us," we say as we pass the plate of bread and juice to the next person in line. This comfort is a reminder of God with us, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
We love the takeaways, too, when people share insights on what what they heard, learned, or question.
The stage is awash with poinsettias - beautifully spaced with roses and freesias. 
We're out for lunch with a lovely couple after the IES Bandung Gathering. The fresh flowers make it home to our kitchen. I can't find the roses after we get back from lunch, so don't get to send them along with a grieving family.
The middle of revising art or arranging a room or  ... any creative act ... may be messy. Things are broken, discarded, and tossed. That's normal.
When you're done it's like this bouquet. Combined in an old Chinese pot, it is something new.
There's no one at the house, which is a pleasant break. There's a week ahead of Christmas activity, shopping, and other preparations. I'm relieved to get out of my "good clothes." The sandals from our daughter match the Indian fabric of the skirt. Sparkles and more sparkles. Definitely not Seattle style.
This is time to get serious about Christmas. "Making the lists and checking them twice" (or more.) The yard, house, and kitchen will shift for a Christmas party next week. If we do most things ahead of time, the day seems effortless.

In mid-morning, I pull up the manuscript file of Cambridge Letters. I have whittled those weekly updates and emailed conversations from 1900 pages to 600. My goal is under 400 pages. I lose maybe 20 today and edit parts of the rest. It's a slog. The original was a 2004 "weekly blog with comments" to 120 people, before blogging was a thing.
The Porch view compensates for it. I'm happy to shut the computer after a few hours and move on to other things.

Read more: 
*When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born.

“In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” Matthew 2:4-6t

*Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. Osaka 139:4

*The Lord will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. 1 Corinthians 4:5

Moravian Prayer: Merciful God, in the assurance of your grace, we confess our sins and seek your guidance in both the light and dark moments of our lives. May your light bring us hope and restoration in our daily living. In your name, we pray. Amen.

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