Thursday, May 23, 2024
We walk 2 miles downhill (3km), meeting Troy and Veronica partway. It's a pretty river walk, though in places the paving has started to tilt toward the water below. Neighborhood drainage is on our right; a steep drop-off to the river is on the left
Indonesians are entrepreneurs. Cooking is one of their favorite ways to earn money. There are pop-up restaurants and food vendors everywhere, including new ones since we walked here a few weeks ago.
Can you spot the lady who sorts and sells eggs? Her shop is along the main road that we have to cross to get to the Treetop Walk.
W and I hop an angkot (city van) up to the grocer but there is no money in their ATM. We walk the rest of the way home. Our watch and phones record +13,000 steps by the time we sit down at home.
We walk the dogs, of course. It's cloudy today with cooler breezes. I consider throwing on a blanket while working on the Porch but let's get real: it's 25oC (77oF). I need to write monthly newsletters and compile a few months of team devotionals. Tea smooths away distractions so I can focus on work.
W's off to pick up some library castoffs: this round it's textbooks and two commercial orange rugs. Well, maybe they're not enormous in a business office: 300X550 cm (10X16') and 450X600cm. At $10 each, they're useful as well as inexpensive. Good thing we're not afraid of orange!
Once again, we have stacks of books before we get the bookshelves. The shelves will be here in June. Thankfully most of these books are going elsewhere.
The Bandung Book Group says they'd love some essays for an upcoming discussion. I put those aside.
Between, I'm reading a recommendation: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser. So far, it's a little mind-bending. I'm wading chapter by chapter, deciding what to discard, what to consider, and what to include in a summer course.
SaturdayThere are recent additions to the guest wall behind the dining table. Instead of a guest book, we've left out markers for visitors to comment on their stay. Once in a while, I snap a photo to stay up to date.
A favorite art piece hangs in the guest living room: a shot-out target dragged home from the side of the street.
Sunday's floral arrangement consists of leftover leaves and button mums, plus garden additions: a few shoots of bamboo, fern fronds, and a red-gold-green branch torn off a shrub. We take it to the hall so we don't have to think about it tomorrow.
Read more:
*You shall not oppress a resident alien; you know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt. Exodus 23:9
*The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2 NIV
*When the magi saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage. Matthew 2:10-11
*Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:37-38, 40
Moravian Prayer: O God of all, there is so much need in this world! So many people are hungry. Too many people must flee their homelands. There is so much injustice that it seems there is no hope. Yet, you give us gifts of time, talents, and treasures that bring hope and healing to a hurting world. May we remember that sharing food, refuge, and justice is our service in your Name.
Most holy Lord, you brought light into a world of darkness with the birth of your Son. Some days it seems that the world has returned to darkness, as violence, injustice, and conflicts increase. Let your glorious light be seen anew, that we may be reminded that you hold all things and all provisions in your hand. Amen.
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