Friday, March 14, 2025
We walk after breakfast. Few people are outside. In Ramadan, Muslims conserve their energy as they are fasting food and water. Nature sings loudly as usual, its bright and colorful textures overlapping. One fence is dripping with trumpet bells.

A fruit tree will have ripe guavas soon.

On the building project down the street, magnificent columns and ornaments embellish the house.

They've plumbed the roof runoff through PVC pipes imbedded in concrete columns ... with no attention paid to the bases of the 4 storey columns. We live in an area of active volcanos and earthquakes. The foundation for the cement columns are loosely-mortared bricks. The centra column rests partly on them with the other part hanging in space. Hmmm.

A lizard hasn't made it across the street but the lacy outline of flattened limbs is beautiful against the paving. I've considered collecting dried creatures for an art piece. Would be cool - except that ants would get behind the glass and mess it up.

Many of us toss our leafless poinsettias after Christmas. But see this "hardly-any-leaves" tree? It is a mature poinsettia. Apparently the plant is deciduous, shedding leaves after the red bracts are done. It restarts after a rest and becomes lush and full. Who knew? I guess we threw out those bare green twigs too soon.

Ibu Siti gives me a deep-tissue massage. What a painful release of muscles that were hiking yesterday. I put on iPods and listen to a textbook to focus my mind elsewhere - and get some work done. Meanwhile, W takes an expat friend for a checkup at the hospital.
When we walk up to Homeground for spicy chicken and green beans, we pass blooming trees and shrubs. Water apples are ripening.
The "stinky bean" tree has large orchid-like blossoms.
A hedge is covered in bright pink flowers shaped like gingerbread men.
Lunch is $4 each. Tasty and very!! spicy. It's been a hot sunny morning but clouds blow over in the early afternoon. The wind kicks up, ringing the chimes on the Porch. The birds chirp back and forth, playing before the storm hits.
An international leaders' Zoom meeting is moved to next week. We rest, get ready for Sunday, and edit.
Oh those edits! The academic article on Korean-Japanese relations is both interesting and informative. Lucky me: I learn without doing all that research! Off it goes for a final interaction with the author and formatting for publication.
We pampered (and killed) bromeliads as house plants back in Canada/USA. Now we have to cull them so they don't climb up the entire guava tree.
Other bromeliad tips glow pink in the grey light of an impending rainstorm. I brought a plant home from Malang - only to find many such bromeliads here. No matter: the one has become dozens.
Saturday3-4 times a year, I shift the living room decor or placement. Since we don't have climate seasons, this breaks up the year with color. It takes 10 minutes to exchange the cheering reds of Christmas and Valentines Day ...
... with soothing garden greens. It's minimal effort for a different feel.
I turn Kim's batik blanket over to its lighter side, too.
After our walk, W engages with an online study while I make calls and write. Then I make lunch and settle down to learn something new.
Last year, I read about early-onset dementia (which my cousin suffered) in Still Alice by #LisaGenova. We are truly wonderful creations; so complicated, and so much works ... until it doesn't.
In Left Neglected, Genova writes about a syndrome called "Left Neglect." I learn that a person with brain damage or a stroke may only feel, see, or perceive the right side of things. The left side is blanked out by the brain. The left disappears as though it has never existed, whether that's the left side of their face, their body, a book, or a space. How is that possible? We are amazing creatures.
The nook no longer matches the rest of the room, which is now green. So off goes the pink cloth, to be shaken out, folded, and hung away ...
and onward ho with 2 green Bali sarongs.
The pink dining tablecloth can wait until Monday. I stretch out the seasonal changes as long as I can. A weekend feels like forever because in my mind's eye - whether it's a house plan or baking or decor - it's finished as soon as I imagine it. I'm surprised when it isn't already in place.
I like swapping things out. Yet the first day after a change, I dislike the new thing. Maybe the change happens too fast? It takes a day or two for my body to catch up to a creative shift, whether that's art I'm making, a new slipcover, or furniture in a new place.
It's overcast and dark by 3:00. Thunder rumbles and the wind kicks up as we walk up the hill for an early dinner with friends.
All runs smoothly at IES Bandung and the team meeting. Then we enjoy lunch at Miss Bee.
Today's flowers are a mountain of green and a river of color.
They're beautiful, thanks to the creativity of #titikbadudu.
A friend gifts us with batik shits.
We soak them in salt and vinegar water to set the colors.
We read, relax, and prepare for the coming week.
Read more:
*Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord. Genesis 6:8
*Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him.” And they said, “We are witnesses.” Joshua 24:22
*You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the excellence of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
*Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more eager to confirm your call and election, for if you do this, you will never stumble. For in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you. 2 Peter 1:10-11
Moravian Prayer: God of all ages, in life, death, and the life to come, you are our creator and sustainer. Whether we live or die, may our witness and service to others always point to you and the present and coming kingdom of God.
O life-affirming Creator, how often we forget that we are your beloved creation: chosen, created, and named, as you proclaimed, “It is good.” Call us out of our doubts and our fears to live with you. Amen.