Monday, February 4, 2013

Oh the fun to come

This week I'm going so far beyond my comfort zone that you may hear me screaming from the north end (if you don't hear me snoring as things drift beyond my comprehension zone.)

My husband loves technology. Anyone who knows him or has sat in on his university courses gets to see the latest Apple products, the best little gadgets, and the most practical apps. Why? He researches hours a day in his Reader feeds - and can cut to the chase for what works and what doesn't.

I've never learned to do much beyond typing and editing. I use social media to connect with friends. But I'm not one to sit on the phone, to explore computer programs, or install new apps on my IPhone. (I wouldn't even have a smart phone without W.)

I'm going to class, a technology class taught to masters and doctoral students at NU. By my husband. Those of you who know us both recognize the disparity in tech gifting, right? Should be interesting.

 So how can you find "fun to come" in the challenges that don't align with anything you know or have done before?
  1. Decide on benefits. This class will introduce many ideas that I may need for the future. I'm hoping it opens my eyes to consider new ways of thinking and possibilities.
  2. Define your investment. I promised I'd sit in at least today and maybe tomorrow. If I'm totally lost, I won't invest the whole week.
  3. Align with your values. I'm a learner, always eager to know. Mom found my elementary report cards with teacher comments: "Rosemarie could spend more time to perfect assignments. She just wants to finish and go to the library." (Doesn't everyone?)
  4. Invest yourself using your best methodology. I'm going to try my best. I have my computer, IPad, AND pen/paper ready. I'll scribble notes as we go because I never remember the little steps of processes that look so simple in class. (I know this from past experience.)
  5. Take time to review and make the experience your own. I'll blog about it - and you'll get the scoop later, ok?
Read more:
*Get the truth and never sell it; also get wisdom, discipline, and good judgment." Proverbs 23:23 NLT

*Break up your fallow ground, and do not sow among thorns. Jeremiah 4:3

*No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62

Moravian Prayer: Everlasting Father, open our hearts to receive your word today. Remind us that your grace is sufficient in spite of life’s challenges. Guide us through your Holy Spirit and as we journey may we sow seeds of light and truth. Amen.

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