Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Care for each other

 Same old brand-new every day.

There was a beautiful gift waiting on our step from Ruth when we got back to Bandung. That and other Christmas things get packed away until next year. Day by day it feels more like we're home again. The care and love we feel is a warm welcome.

Saturday, February 6, 2021, Sunday, Monday

Other than the cold or flu that is creeping up in my throat and ears, all is well. I'm a good "rest-er." I get up early, so I can do 5-6 hours of work before noon and slack off the rest of the day. We have the usual meetings, calls, and to-dos through Monday. After the workday, I read a few novels and work through 2 non-fiction leadership books (can only absorb 2-3 chapters at a time).

... and finish off a pretty good Korean drama that began in October. I skipped 50 episodes while we were away. I watch the last 5 as a finale.


The neighbors next to the office are clearing their land. All day, they build fires to burn what they clear or collect on the property. I keep the office door open but my lungs are sore at night.

The flowers in the little vase at the back of the house are lovely, staying fresh all week. The helper knows how to refresh my heart from the garden.

I boil water in the Russian samovar a few times. Oh, it's hot on 220volts! Maybe we need to plug it into the 110 circuit to simmer instead of a hard boil.
The dogs are happy that we're home and we're happy when they are groomed. They were shaggy when we got back!
Gypsy rests outside whatever room we are in: Cocoa finds her sweet spot on the porch and waits for us to come to her. Their wagging tails tell us they're glad to have us back.
The neighbor is pruning his trumpet vine. It is dripping with hundreds of bells - a stunning sight. Our yardman strips away the leaves from a long stem, chops it into 3 pieces, and stabs them into the ground.

"Won't be long and they will grow," he promises. In Seattle, a small trumpet vine used to cost $120 (from Mr. Munro's yard). Here, they need chopping back and a neighbor's pruning will grow easily.
The calendar has changed. As I look at the year before on my old calendar page, it lands on early March 2020. Who knew what was coming as I turned the page then? Within 2 weeks we would have closed down the building for BIC and we would begin meeting online only. Sometimes it's good that God doesn't tell us too much in advance.

I work 7am-2pm with a ramen break at noon, and then head home.

For supper, I combine leftovers with things that smell like they might be good together. IbuA fried papaya leaves and flowers for lunch and W and I were away. I take those bitter greens out of the fridge. I combine cooked pasta, olive oil, walnuts, and papaya. I sprinkle on Trader Joe "Everything but the Bagel" spices. 2 minutes in the microwave and it's done. And delicious.

Did you know that some papaya trees don't have fruit? Their leaves and flowers are deliciously bitter! 


It's our date day, after a long time since we've had breakfast out. W and I head for Nara/Pino, our favorite place. After, Dr H leads a study with her friend and me. "What is the Sabbath, our rest day?" from Mark 2:23-28.

I have lots of sewing supplies: this trip I brought spools of thread and skeins of wool that Mom was shedding. I finally put everything away this week. When I come into my home office, the supplies are calling. I think there's play-time ahead.

My friend Kim has quilted a stunning two-sided "big-stitch" blanket. She's joined 2 pieces of batik, a simple idea that looks amazing. (Click on the pictures for details.)

It rains every day. In the morning, you hear the wind kick up. That means another storm is blowing in. The world is green green green, the trees and plants grow so fast.

We have lunch with friends. They tell us that the a new gelato place is opening up today outside the entry to our neighborhood. From 4 main destination restaurants six years ago, we now have a whole assortment to choose from. Good for us, bad for weekend parking, and lot of competition for existing places. I feel an ice-cream break coming on after our team meeting ends at 5 ... 

Read more:
*O Lord, may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength. Judges 5:31 NIV

*I will praise God’s word, I will praise the Lord’s word. Psalm 56:10 NKJV

*Jesus prayed, “The glory that you have given me I have given them.” John 17:22

*Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us. 2 Timothy 1:14

*We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20

Moravian Prayer: Creator God, it is through you and for you that we shine the brightest. Help us to be light and warmth in the dark and cold, sharing your love and promise with those who long to hear. In your name, we pray.

Perfect God, we are assailed by competing claims and assertions of truth that leave us feeling distressed and confused. May your spirit ever renew in us the awareness that only you are perfect, true, and eternal. May we find courage and confidence to live by your will and in your truth.

Gracious Spirit, your word inspires us to live lives of love, peace, and service. Guide us as we share the good news of your glory and goodness to all around us. Amen.

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