Sunday, June 18, 2023

Little friends and book reviews.


I finished an online meeting after 11:00 p.m. last night but didn't fall asleep until 3:00 a.m. So I'm groggy after 6:00 when I wake. Special guests are coming this morning, kiddos who want to walk the dogs with us. The kids have just started their school break.

They circle the block with Waldemar (who's slept well!) and I meet them coming back. Of course, the dogs are thrilled when they hang around the Porch for a bit.

Yesterday, we returned from our mountain hike an hour before the helpers left. You know how sometimes you get a divine nudge? Mine was to make banana bread. Usually IbuA is wrapping up to leave when we return, but this was a strong impression. "Please bake," I said.

Lo and behold, there were blackened bananas in the fridge and the other ingredients were in the cupboard. She whipped up two loaves and popped them into the oven before going home. (She's our amazing baker. No recipe needed.) 

This morning, we have the fresh banana bread on the Porch table and cut up some fruit, an easy breakfast with these dear friends. One of the littles, feeling under the weather, hopefully will recover soon.

Inside, the flowers in the entry vase are long "over" so I toss them into the flowerbed. I lean a stem of silk peonies from a Singaporean sale, post-Chinese NY, in the leaves. It's a last hurrah for the arrangement.
Vegan food is easy and colorful. I used to blog vegan recipes at The Impulsive Foodie. I cook by appetite and smell and it rarely takes long. And my food's not complicated. 

This morning, my 10-minute breakfast is a chopped half of a potato, fried in 1 tbsp. vegan butter with a diced wedge of onion. After about 8 minutes, I add broccoli sprouts, a splash of tea, a pinch of oregano, a dash of Korean red pepper powder, and dill from the garden. I cover it to steam for two minutes. On the dinner plate, I surround it with a cut tomato.
After working on the Porch, I crawl back into bed, and sleep 2 hours until lunch. I feel like a new person. Lunch is simple: reheated chili and a mango salad. The helper makes chicken and rice for W and the others.
Language school has a day off so I'm reviewing past lessons. It's a relief not to sail to class through weekend traffic. "Jakarta" has definitely returned to Bandung. Cars and tour buses plug the narrow roads between old trees every weekend.

A good night's sleep, not taken for granted. I make a few calls and then cover a foldable Korean mattress with a monstrous towel (2X3 meters) and a blanket. W sets up the music and then I'm ready. (Christmas?! Really?) He doesn't respond to my WA because he's in a study. So we have carols, jolly Santas, and icicles as a backdrop.

IbuS comes by to torture me with a deep-tissue massage. I lose track of time, but she's been at it for 3 hours when she leaves. She's amazing at finding sore spots. My body is relaxed and ready for the next week, at least.

Meanwhile, to keep my mind off of the pain, I use the auto-reader on my iPad to listen through Mind Shift, an upcoming book by Erwin McManus. I focus on the book, hearing it twice at 1.5 speed. That means it's a quick read. But it's worthwhile enough that, when IbuS is done, I make notes in my "Books to remember" notebook - pen and paper, that one.
My hair's been flat and uncooperative so I color it before hopping in the shower and making lunch.
Then I knuckle down to write online book reviews. The benefit of reviewing is that I get to read books that are being published across a broad spectrum of subjects, from a wide range of publishers. Today I do 15 reviews of books I've read recently. 
It's been while since I've posted reviews. I read a book a day most days and not all of them are worth reviewing. I've either been too lazy or absorbed in other work to comment on my reading. Oh well. Only 150 books to go ... 

W and I discuss tomorrow's talk for IESB, on Matthew 19, from Jesus' interactions on divorce, the value of children, and sharing resources with those around us. I pull open the fridge for a snack and this little bag of flour falls out. Guess I didn't need it, especially since it got lost in the back of the fridge. The bag splits slightly and needs repackaging. Maybe my friend can use it - she's sensitive to gluten.
Sunday - International Fathers Day
We pray for the dads in the hall and our fathers this morning. Neither W nor I have our fathers with us, but we have fond memories.
Titik makes another beautiful bouquet for the hall. It makes my heart happy - and I feel grateful to God for all the gifts he places in the hands of his children..
A new mural, a wonderful addition to the hall, is explained by the artists, David and Georgina.
After the Gathering, their work makes a graphic backdrop for "last pictures" by a couple has been family for a long time. They're moving away to another city and job. We'll miss you, J-Nick and Bernadette.
Various groups take photos after the Community Table, where snacks and conversation happen. This bunch is off to lunch soon after.
Our table takes pictures at Maxi's at lunch, too. Who knew? It's John's birthday today - God planned a birthday lunch for him. We enjoy the company and good food.
Read more:
*The mighty one, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. Psalm 50:1

*The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it—you have founded them. The north and the south—you created them. Psalm 89:11-12

*The Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:5

*Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.” Luke 17:20-21

*All things have been created through Christ and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17

Moravian Prayer: Creator God, sometimes we forget that all things are made by you, and that we need to care for it as a precious gift. Show us how to honor and care for your world; empower us to act for the good of all. May we follow your lead and love your creation as much as you do.

You call to us, sovereign God, and we wake to hear you. Open our ears to listen for your voice through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives among us, and is our hope now and always. Amen.


  1. Love Erwin McManus work. Let me read yr review when yr done

  2. All reviews on, including that one :-)
