Saturday, July 29, 2023

Natural perfume

Thursday, July 27, 2023

A short walk first, where we spot this run-over beauty, dropped onto the street from the tree overhead. I'm comforted by the fact that God understands every person, knows every failure, and forgives every wrong - whether we've done bad things or left good things undone.

"He knows your name," my mom reminds everyone in her circles. He loves each one of us.

This crushed flower reminds me that we don't have to be perfect to be seen and appreciated by God or others. We can leave perfection behind and enjoy life more.

During a welcome break from work, a friend shares the teras and brings over an orchid. A few blooms open overnight. The black tracery on the tongues of the flowers is stunning. Dr. Ingrid is an orchid hobbyist and expert.

Eki and friends arrive mid-afternoon after a 4.5-hour trip from their area. IbuA and IBuS make them a late lunch with Indonesian flavors. Eki's sis Lyong arrives a bit later. They stay upstairs overnight. The dogs LOVE the attention.
In the evening, W and I have 2 meetings. We check on IESB friends who have landed in Thailand. Would you pray for provision and favor for David, Georgina, and little Noa?

As usual, they're coping with unexpected adjustments in a new city, even before language school begins. Most expats can empathize. It's exhausting enough to move across your own country. These guys have made a big transition where food, culture, and expectations are new to them.
We skip the walk because breakfast is at 6:45. For two of the teachers, it's the first "western-style" breakfast of their life. (And there's no rice.) Eki requests oatmeal porridge. I add slices of apples along with IbuS's home-baked whole-grain bread, topped with kaya honey (a Singapore find).
We snap a formal picture of the handover of books.
Their van is packed with 10? bags plus a bunch of boxes. Makes me happy that the library is on its way.
They arrive safely in the new classroom. The kids will have fun starting the new semester. Anything they can't use for reading, they will use for art supplies.
DrH, our friend and colleague, had double knee replacements in late February. She walks from her housea few blocks away to drop off next month's Bandung Book Group choice. The BBG members are eclectic and educated so we read many kinds of books.
W and I go through Sunday's talk from Matthew 24 together. It was his turn to write this week, so I'm the editor. We'll switch next week. 

After an evening study group and a homemade pasta supper, we rest.

W's home; his 3 regular meetings are cancelled. That's positive since he's not back to full energy. I walk 2 miles (a couple of neighborhood loops). Look how this beautiful shrub glows in the sunrise.
In our garden, I gather flowers and ferns for tomorrow's Round Table Sunday. PakG takes them to the hall, along with 2 donated bags of religious books. The monthly newsletters are written. After catching up on social media and messages, I watch a design vlogger (Alexandra Gater) make over little spaces. So relaxing.

I forgot to eat breakfast so I'm a little peckish an hour after eating a small bowl of lunch noodles. I spot a potato. Ah ... slice, salt, and dry it, slip it into the Daiso chip maker, and - 8 minutes later = perfect potato chips without oil. For under 150 calories, what a great snack.
I smell something fresh and sweet. This lovely orchid is blooming again on the teras. It was also a gift from Dr Ingrid that flowers all year.
Indonesian orchids might not be as flashy as some others. But they boast great variety in color and size. They grow in forests, spread on branches, and find their way to hobby gardeners. Some aficionados build shade houses just for orchids.

Meanwhile, the new arrival, a Coelogyne pandurara from Kalimantan, has opened flowers along the entire stem, releasing a delicate perfume. Scented orchids are my favorites.
Read more:
*You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your countenance. Psalm 90:8

*Then all flesh shall know that I am the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer. Isaiah 49:26

*And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Matthew 6:12

*Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:18-20

Moravian Prayer: It is our desire to know you, Savior and Redeemer, and to become your true disciples. Make us willing to learn, we pray, so that we may grow closer to you. Strengthen us for the important work of spreading your gospel, so that all the world may know of your love.

Forgiving God, you have released us from all we owe. How glorious it is to live debt-free! Give us grace to release others in the same way, so that everyone may know the freedom of living without owing anything! Amen.

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