Monday, October 7, 2024

Mama mia!

Friday, October 4, 2024

My mom's 88 and W's mom is 92. Neither is in good health so it's a gift to be able to return annually. We will visit twice this trip, during our first and last week.

We leave Seattle early in the morning for the 2 1/2 hour drive to Canada. It takes less than that long to remember what was so difficult about living here: GREY! October through April = grey skies, grey-green and grey-blue plants, grey-brown bare tree trunks ...

When the sun comes out, the blackberries (foreground, below) pop out green while the rest of the landscape stays grey. In a month, even their vines will be ... brown-grey. It's obvious that few can afford helpers. Untrimmed trees, weeds, and overgrown plants dominate the yards and grow in tufts along the highways.

W drops me off at my mom's in our hometown of Chilliwack and drives to see his mom in Langley. Autumn is definitely here. The big trees are shedding leaves. Their colors boast a last hurrah before the dark winter.

It's fun to catch up with my family and meet Mom's caregivers. Today, Tracy is at the house. I've never seen such a divine flow of helpers. Each one is respectful and a person of integrity. Mom practices ringing the bell on her night table before swinging her feet out of bed. That way someone is always with her when she walks. It's nice to meet Barb in the evening, too.

After W returns, my brother Norm drops in with a supper pizza.


Mom sleeps in while I contact the siblings and family. I send everyone pictures: "What do you want from Mom's house?"

Sandy has asked me to label items by preference. I take heed of the family's requests and put their names on a strip of masking tape. There are some wild items from long-ago travels, before conservation was government-mandated.

Mom hasn't changed the house much, adding to the collection of photos, cards, and picture albums without taking things away. So the house is a kickback to the 1970s. Yes, that is original red shag carpet - wall-to-wall. Might be my fault. Mom narrowed down a few colors in the carpet swatch when they were building the house.

"I like the red!" I told her - and was surprised and happy when she agreed. That's what they ordered. No one else I know was that brave. It's in good shape, 52 years later.

Mom remains the glue that holds my 3 brothers and me together since Dad died 3 years ago. She talks regularly to each of us, scattered around the world. Then she brags on us and shares our news with the others.

We have a running joke: "Who is the favorite?" (I tell our kids, "Whoever is in front of me is the favorite, of course.")

But when Norm asks Mom that, she slips around the question with, "You are one of my favorites." haha. He should be the favorite son. He sees that she gets wonderful and consistent 24-hr care and can live at home. Well, his admin Sandy does that with excellent organizational skills and her connections.

Mom, W, and I eat lunch, hers prepared by Barb while W's and mine is leftover pizza. Yum.

The drive to Seattle goes across an empty border. After 2 quick stops for items to take back home to Indonesia, we stop for supper at Burgermaster off the freeway. I can only eat half of my burger.

 It's always lovely to come to our flat. The flowers by the door are ready for a top-up of water. 

The foraged seeds find their place on the book table.

We read tomorrow's talk together and prepare our hearts for the morning.


During the night, I finish the book of Job and the first 20 Psalms. Jetlag can be useful for listening to scripture. Listening to the praises of God from the songs of David, my heart is full. 

I eat the second half of my burger for breakfast. I'm working my way through cupboards and food. Today I choose an Earl Grey Bravo leaf tea. Oh look! W must have purchased some glass thermoses. I try one out with the tea leaves. The strainer on top of the water keeps the leaves out of my cup.

It's quickly obvious that you have to hold the handle of the strainer as you pour or it shifts. I dump the leaves and tea from my cup and start again ...
We speak at a local congregation today. Part of our work involves raising funds for projects like sembako (food for the poor) and education. Another piece of what we do is raising awareness among prayer partners. We do our best but it's a quick trip as usual.

It's a learning day. At NU, Cathy and Kevin take us through organizational and spiritual leadership for teams. They're informative and funny. I find the solution for some challenges and get a heads up about a few mistakes with my own team. A very useful day indeed.

Read more:

*Even the nations are like a drop from a bucket and are accounted as dust on the scales. Isaiah 40:15

*Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of gentiles also? Yes, of gentiles also. Romans 3:29

*I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters, in the midst of the congregation I will praise you. Hebrews 2:12

Moravian Prayer: God of all, your glorious creation is a gift. We pledge to care for all you have laid out before us. From the smallest insects to the great trees of the forest, like us, they are yours. Most of all, we will work to care for the people of the Earth in the ways you have taught us. Help us to care for others with the love that comes from you. Amen.

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