Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Night descends before my conversation with Alaine, a trusted spiritual advisor. She gives me some grounding exercises and ways to focus on gratitude. How thankful I am to God for her!
A few opportunities are opening up for 2025. W and I evaluate what to accept or decline. We have another year in this house unless things change. I determine to appreciate every person who walks through the door, every blessing of solid construction, and every event hosted.
I revel in the garden beds and the decommissioned electric wires that are a fine perch for birds, too. I admire red bromeliads that climb up the crooks of the old guava tree.
We walk - I need the stretch before tomorrow's hike. These white bells are too pretty to pass by without a second look. They resemble lily-of-the-valley but don't have a scent. One of the things I miss here is the smell of familiar flowers. Few blooms are perfumed. We have no lilacs, sweet roses, or lily-of-the-valley.

Mind you, we have gardenias. The whole house is filled with their perfume. I pluck the white treasures from the shrub beside the Porch. Today's buds are tomorrow's flowers.
When I sit down to morning meetings, I pull aside the white flat sheets (i.e. drapes) to let cool air flow in under a cloudy sky.
Hiking is such a joy. It's the weekly Sabbath where friends and we decompress from work and obligations. It has rained overnight so we're not sure if the trail will be safe. "Let's try," we WhatsApp each other. "And if it's pouring, we can go for coffee together."
We drive up the mountains and get out to drizzle. As we pull on rain gear, we decide: "It's not bad; let's start down the path. We can always turn back if it rains too hard."
Instead, the weather clears up to high clouds. We pull off our raincoats as we tramp up and down under the cool shade of the forest canopy. Light breezes ruffle the leaves overhead. We are so glad we went.
Mushrooms are overtaking the fallen stumps along the way. This clump is a monster. The "plate-like" stack is 1'/30cm wide, besides little fungi spreading on all sides. "Not edible," says a knowledgable hiker.
Supper is simple: IbuA has baked pretzel rolls, German style. (Thanks to Angie for the recipe.) Veronica sends up avocados; we send down half the rolls, a fair exchange and a good supper all around.
How can it be the end of the week again?! I do an hour of stretches - my posture has decayed so much from all the sitting. Time to engage the
Nicholas Technique (Pilates and strength training) that I did in my 40s. I'm an inch taller after, which doesn't last.
After a walk, it's back to work on the survey. I write a post for Medium and tackle the board agenda for this weekend. Messages fly back and forth.
We decide on lunch down the hill so we can run errands on the way.
It's a long day at the computer. And then it's Friday evening. Thank you, God.
W has an early (6:30) study online. Labradoodle Juno and I walk a couple of loops without other companions. It's quiet and peaceful with many walkers enjoying the brisk morning air.
I call our daughter Kirsten in Texas, before getting a second mug of tea. W and I discuss tomorrow's talk on marriage. We sit on the Porch with birds chirping, lizards clicking, and chants sung from various mosques. It's been a week of frequent calls from the towers; we don't know if there's a special occasion or if the readers have just decided to read more often.
The lavender and cyprus twigs in the IKEA grow pots seem to be doing well after a few weeks. They remind me to keep growing this year, too.
Read more:
*Hear my prayer, Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly. Psalm 102:1-2
*The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; he protects those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7
*God has made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ. Ephesians 1:9
Moravian Prayer: God, our protector, thank you for holding steadfast for us. Help us to hold onto our confidence in you, knowing that you will never break, never bend, never lose sight of your love for us. Help us to be strong like you in our service to one another. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
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