Sunday, March 9, 2025

Small things

Small actions add up. I've written almost 2000 posts here, along with hundreds on other blogs. 

How does that happen? If I were an artist, would there be hundreds and thousands of paintings and sculptures and needlework? Probably. (I admit that there are a few art pieces and short music scores around, but that's from overflow energy, not habit.)

When I get so busy that I forget who I am, I read about who I've met and where I've been. That reminds me of the faithfulness of God and the kindness of those around me.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

The chickens sparkle in the sun, strutting their colors as we pass the garbage dump on our walk.

I cull flowers that have passed their prime from last week's arrangement. What's left goes into a clean vase with a few pink daisies and ferns from the garden.

Then we set the table, make crepes, and cut a papaya to prepare brunch for a board meeting. Tota brings servings of tofu, rice cakes and peanuts; Chandra offers a variety of drinks - including cold coffee that everyone loves; Angie fries up Batagor that gets dipped into chunky peanut sauce. So good.

It's wonderful to work with people of integrity and compassion. We review finances, pray for needs, and chat. And we eat together, of course.

My Lenten reflection is two questions Jesus asks men who have been followers of John the Baptist. One question is "What do you want?" and the other is "Come and see." I think Jesus still asks us those questions today. Our challenge is whether or not to follow up on his invitation.

In the afternoon, we walk to Ethnic to meet friends. Many people line up at food stalls in late afternoon, in preparation for sundown when their fast ends. On the first weekend of the month, they also still have money to spend. Payday at the end of the month is the norm.

The restaurant is empty until nightfall, when things heat up. We have a lovely conversation with John and Lisa. The rain hits hard while we eat and talk. But it tapers off just before we walk home.

The kids sing in the Gathering, to a warm response from young and old alike.
We meet A, whom we haven't seen in years. There's an exuberant greeting from everyone. Once you've been family, you're always family.
Titik sends home her stunning arrangement. How she creates such beauty week after week, from ordinary flowers, is beyond me ...
We eat lunch and get a tour at a friend's farm. We love to support projects that serve the community. Let me know if you want to volunteer or share your resources in diverse ways.
The current crop is peanuts. We take some home to for steaming.
A few meetings in the morning = life-giving counsel between friends and peers. Between the first and second Zoom call, W and I hurry out the door for a mile-loop.

I write a post for Lent, review a history, and make notes. The miraculous seems to happen when an ordinary person faces insurmountable odds, but is obedient to God.
Lent Day 5: "Do what he tells you," (said Jesus' mother Mary.)

There's nothing remarkable going on or anything particularly "special" that's happened recently. Yet as I scroll files to research details of a past event, I'm struck by how much an ordinary life contains.

We've met people. We've tried things that have succeeded or failed. We've learned lessons and passed along resources. It's easy to forget God's goodness, showered on us day after day. Thanks be to God!

Read more:

*[Some proverbs:]
When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but the prudent are restrained in speech.
- Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.
- Good people obtain favor from the Lord, but he condemns those who devise wicked schemes.

- No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted. 

 Proverbs 10:19; 12:1-3

*Jesus said, “Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37

Moravian Prayer: Christ, Eternal Word, remind us to always center our words in you and speak from places of love. Forgive us when we are quick to respond with a cutting word or a cruel retort. Center our words in your eternal truth. Amen.

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