Monday, November 16, 2020

Surprise, surprise - cultural stuff and happenings

 Monday, Monday. Here we go, on November 16, 2020.

Mondays are catch-up days. After a weekend, the pieces floating here and there need capture - or they drift away. I'm chasing strings with different people - agendas, orders, meetings ... it's one of the most tiring parts of my job.

I try direct speech: "Please just do what I ask for when I ask it. I don't have energy to circle back 2-3X and check if it's done. Send me a note, 'DONE'. Thanks. " I don't have much capacity to think about small things twice.

Anyone else pushing uphill? Everyone seems to be feeling COVID restrictions differently. For me, parts of this are a grand pause. When my work is done, I get to relax and unwind for a few hours between tasks. No guilt!

We're saying goodbye this week to our daughter, after many months here. She flies home and starts life anew in a conflicted and unhealthy country. We'll be praying over her: for health, strength, and great wisdom as she restarts life in the States. We'll miss her!


It's date day - so we eat breakfast together nearby. Then we head to "fish street" where sellers are making aquariums. I need a fogger and a light replacement.

They sell marine fish and turtles in baggies, hung from racks on the sidewalks.

There are lots of bettas, including some very expensive ones. ($15 for this lovely.)
Bags of shrimp and krill to feed your exotic swimmers are heaped on bamboo tables.

You can pick out goldfish or tropical fish, too.

Since little neon tetras are 16 for 80c, I get those, too. Despite water acclimation, etc. some of them don't make the transition and are floating in the tank the next morning.

For those making planted tanks, they'll custom-glue stones together for the background.

It's a joy to take the dogs into the mountains for a walk with friends. The dogs clear away any snakes, running on the path ahead of us. We start clean but it's rained hard. They find puddles to bath in and romp through. Total mud baths. Completely happy dogs.
The fields are steeply planted along each side of the hills during rainy season. That makes for great crops but very mucky walking. Clay sticks to our sole treads and weighs down our feet.
Every once in a while, we scoot under or over a fallen tree. Part of the path is overgrown and very narrow in places. We explore a new trail and have a lot of fun finding a new way back to the car.
We end with a very bad meal at a scenic restaurant. The food looks good.  Someone forgot about our meals and left them in the kitchen. After an hour, Veronica asks the server where it is. And suddenly, there it is. Hard. Cold. "Never coming again," says W. I'd give them another try.
The view is astonishing.

We're invited to hang out with friends who are staying overnight in the UNPAR Guesthouse. It's a short walk from our house. It's a great way to get out of the center of town and have amenities around. Our friends comment that being under the mosque speakers (next-door) makes conversation a bit rough 5X a day.

We take home a bag of special treats, too! Thanks, Dr. Farah!

We're doing "lasts" this week with our daughter. We try to eat together more and spend more time together. None of us are let's-hang-out-and-talk-for-a-long-time people.

We try the Papua Restaurant again. The gluey sago palm is yummy with lemon and fish soup. You can't pick it up with a spoon: you have to wind it around chopsticks and quickly transport it to your soup bowl.

We're testing sandwiches for a new caterer. They're excellent - and delivered to the door. About $8 for all three of us.


It's a working day - we take our Sabbath later in the week. After a long steep walk at 6:00, we eat leftover sandwiches on the porch. The Gathering starts at 9, with Dave speaking on Inner Healing. It is interesting and inspiring.

I finish big-stitching Kirsten's double-sized quilt from Bali. Whew - coming down to the wire on that project. Done.

We're filling a BIC Advent Bag with goodies this coming week. Nope, not telling what's inside. It's a surprise for BIC attendees but it's time to start putting things together for that.

As always, the garden doesn't disappoint. This is the top of a plant, torn off while leaning over the railing of the terrace.

Read more:

*So teach us, O God, to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12

*How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep! Psalm 92:5

*He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

*Pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22

*The King of kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. 1 Timothy 6:15-16

Moravian Prayer: We sing your highest praise, King of kings and Lord of lords. We stand in awe of your creation and powerful works. We have deep gratitude for your Son, Christ Jesus.

Lord, you require of us justice, mercy, humility, righteousness, faith, love, and peace. Over our lifetime we learn these challenges. We are imperfect; help our ineptitude. Give us opportunities every day to practice in real life—with the help of Jesus. Amen.

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