Thursday, June 1, 2023

What movie this time?

 Sunday, May 28, 2023 is Pentecost Sunday: "Come Holy Spirit"

What a lovely surprise! Two people shake our hands before the Gathering. I recognize the names on their name tags from the history of IES Bandung (formerly BIC): "Brem" and "Donna." They led this faith community from 1994-99.

The expected flowers didn't arrive for the weekend. I've popped a colorful stem of coleus among grasses I collected last week. In the rhythm of 12 little bouquets on the Round Tables, they look fine.

The tables are full. The conversation is lively as we celebrate Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to indwell his followers. It's an honor to have Brem and Donna pray over the congregation. They've left a healthy legacy.

The weather is good: the back wall is open and sheltered by a sun canopy. Cooling breezes are stirred by the ceiling fans.

The board agrees to be the sending congregation for a young couple headed to North Thailand.

The IESB kids are happy to learn from Miss Laurel.

By the time we get home, the Porch is buzzing with young adults at the Hangout.
I've been fishing little frogs out of the fishbowls. They can hop in but struggle to get out. Sometimes 4-5 frogs shelter under a leaf beside the ponds. How many do you count in this pic?
Occasionally I fish for tadpoles and thin the emerging population.
PS. There are 6 frogs in the picture above. 4 are under the leaves, one is atop the solar fountain, and another is hanging onto the side.


Walking, we pass exquisite blooms on a roadside bromeliad. Look at those pink-tipped leaves, too!

Meetings. Cooking, which takes a lot longer from scratch.

An orchid is re-blooming along the driveway. Subtle and lovely.

I shop at the natural food store on the way home from language school, including W's preferred breakfast granola.


We haven't done a movie night for a few months, due to catching the flu and travels. Tonight's preparation feels like a startup. I start cooking at 4:30 a.m. and pause for online meetings at 6:00, 7:00, and 9:00. Then it's back to the kitchen.

I pin the menu to the fridge - so I remember everything we'll heat up and serve later. The helpers cut lettuce and fruit, make rice, and set out the rattan dishes. W adds recycling bins for washable plastic cups and cutlery and makes sure the tech is ready to go.

I'm finished before noon, make lunch, and then put my feet up for a few hours. Guests start arriving before 6:30. First we eat.

Inside or on the Porch, the company is good.

Some of our "family" has attended for years. But there are many new faces as well. We're delighted to see Bella and Sigit, expecting their first child in a few months. Dony is back briefly from Canada and work in Jakarta.

Two of the language school teachers visit. I get to meet one's precious little girl, whom I've only seen on pictures. She's the best baby! sleeping and eating quietly. Cute as a button, too.
During the first half of the movie, the helpers and I set out dessert for intermission. 
Near the end of True Spirit, I tuck away food for tomorrow. The helpers clean the kitchen and do the dishes. What a blessing they are!

Afterward, I hop online for one more meeting. (Seattle time, 8:00-9:30 a.m. Here it starts at 10:00 p.m.) It's worth staying up for mentoring from trusted advisors. W and I fall into bed about midnight.

I'm wide awake at 4:30 a.m. A new month has begun, and today is special: the 7th anniversary of IbuS coming to work for us. She's a good manager of household cleaning, both for us and our guests. "Are you happy working here?" I ask, as is the custom on every anniversary.

"I am." I'm grateful for her nimble help for events and visitors. This morning we reset the house in a hurry because we have lunch guests.  We wake to this, post-movie night.
After the floors are washed, the furniture and rugs are returned to their places. My office empties of the overflow. Once the house is in order, I write monthly newsletters and send them off. W and I call a grandchild after his 8th birthday.

By lunchtime, we're back to this view from the entry. Our IESB team is coming over to recognize DrH's 80th birthday and a "farewell for now" for V's, who plan to travel for a few months.
DrH lives around the corner. She's had both knees replaced and works hard at PT. She walks toward our house until Clau catches up with her in the car. Way to go.
The team lunch is a joint effort. We have grown to love our friends and coworkers. Josh and Leo barbecue the meat, Shibli and Herbert bring African chicken stew and chapatis and others bring noodles, potatoes, and salads. W and I warm up food, set out the tables, and lay out serving items. It's a feast - but there's a lot to take home.

We skim through the notes from my late-night session and pray together before everyone disbands. The helpers clear away things again, and take a monthly bonus of rice, oil, and sugar home. W and I put away the barbecue, and unclip the dogs. (Steak and Labradoodles provide a dangerous opportunity for action and theft).

I disburse the leftovers. But how can it be evening already?

Read more:

*Is the Lord’s arm too short? Numbers 11:23

*Jesus said, “Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

*And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit that he has given us. 1 John 3:24

Moravian prayers: Thank you, Lord, for giving us your Spirit when you chose us to be your children. We praise you for bringing us into your family with common goals of preaching the gospel and bringing hope to the world. We thank you for the variety of gifts you give us to help work towards that goal.

Thank you for the ongoing work of redemption and transformation into your image, through the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your unconditional love that never changes nor is hidden from us. Sometimes we stumble and fall, Lord. Sometimes, we don’t forgive others the way you forgive us.

But when you reach out to rescue us with a long, outstretched arm, it helps us to open our arms to those who need your forgiveness. Help us to be forgiving of each other and to live in peace and agreement with your plans for our lives. In awe of your name, we pray. Amen.

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