Monday, June 7, 2021

3 things for you this week +1

3 things from my week, for you:

1. What you think you need isn't always what you need.

First, a quote from James Clear's 3-2-1 blog: 

"There will never be a perfect time to do something that stretches you.

That’s true whether you are starting a business, having a child, changing careers, or wrestling with any number of challenges. That’s not a license to be reckless and never think things through, but at some point you have to embrace the uncertainty because it is the only path forward.

If you were ready for it, it wouldn't be growth."

Have you ever thought you knew just what you needed? "If only, I had ..." A better job. A kinder neighbor. A more thoughtful spouse. A bit more money.

And then you don't get it. Instead, what you have is what you have. What are you doing with the blessings you've been given?

We were going to pick up our work as usual when we got back to Bandung. The first half of the week, my head was pounding so hard I was nauseated. Then I got such a bad stomachache that I was out of service, and I lost a few kilograms.

Those two factors kept the pause going. I just couldn't do the work I wanted. So I consider it a blessing to have another quiet week. Probably didn't hurt me at all.

Sunday, the dog and I attend BICOnline from the chaise. It feels good to relax and worship with a view of nature beyond the screen. W participats from his chair nearby. (I'm feeling better, starting to eat again. My headache is gone. Thank God.)

Kaleb and Alice lead The Conversation. Well done, you two. They discuss with us the justice of God, how he can harden someone's heart, and what it means for us to let God do the impossible. Those are good questions and issues worthy wrestling through. Since it is our first "Conversation," I didn't know what to expect. We enjoy the multi-generational discussion.

I'm boggled by the beauty around us. These black flowers stun me every time.

2. What's coming isn't what you expect.

Some people mention that COVID brought disappointment to them. How about for you? What has it postponed, that you thought you'd finish by now? Have there been challenges you couldn't even have dreamed of? Do you feel derailed and upset? Or are you rolling with it?

Maybe you got opportunities you didn't expect. I asked for online gatherings for a long time. (And I hate asking for anything more than twice. The third time feels like nagging: I both hate to be nagged and hate to nag.)

With the pandemic, others suddenly made "online" happen. Who knew it could be that quick? Or that it would become a priority for those who could do it?

Meanwhile, the fields keep growing. Fruit keeps ripening on the trees. The roadside stands hang full of pineapples and the bins below gleam with pumpkins.

"He sends his rain on the good and the evil," says scripture. The generosity of God continues to astound me.

Ruth comes from Jakarta to stay a few nights. When she drops by the office, she brings brownies. Brownies! I didn't expect that either. Yum. We spend the morning together, a great joy for me. We missed her when she moved away last year to get married.

3. Open your hands. Let God take away everything that's filling them ... so he can put in his own goodness and loving-kindness.

The framework on the new house outside our neighborhood is enormous. It's still a skeleton, though there's a concrete staircase from one floor to the other. There are no railings. It looks dangerous. But you can get from here to there on it. 

I'm wondering what "out there" stairwells are ready for you and me. They will take care to negotiate. You can't be stupid or reckless. But they make the next view that much more exciting.

The one book I took to Bali is a blessing for me here, too. I read a day at a time and ponder the goodness of God. In the middle of many good-byes, we make a new friend. She's leading children's work, an almost-graduate with a big heart. Welcome to Bandung, Laurel. We're happy to have her at the house for a couple of months.

We say goodbye to 3 more couples this week, in addition to the one last week. The first are friends, long-termers in Bandung who are moving to another island. Another family is going back to the States; they've been here 3 years and it's time to go home. We buy our lunch and say goodbye poolside.

The others are our dear friends Ish and JoAnn, who worked with BIC kids this year. We all loved them and their creative service. They'll be missed at their school as well as in our circles of faith. We get to interview them at their last pizza night on our porch. What open-hearted, open-handed adventurers. We learned a lot from them and will feel their absence keenly.

4. (+1) So here's a final question for you:
What habit could you attach to something you do already, that would make a difference - for you or someone else - within 3 months?
- walk an extra block
- eat one more vegetable or fruit every day
- write a thank you every Friday before you shut down your computer
- along with your groceries, buy a treat for a neighbor who is elderly or lives alone
- or ... ?

Read more:

*No one shall be found among you who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer. Whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord. Deuteronomy 18:10, 12

*Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand. Psalm 37:23-24

*Wash your heart clean of wickedness so that you may be saved. How long shall your evil schemes lodge within you? Jeremiah 4:14

*John said, “Bear fruits worthy of repentance.” Luke 3:8

*In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37

*The fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:9-11

Moravian Prayer: Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. For the sake of your Son, have mercy on us and forgive us.

God, you are our support and light. You are there for us, guiding our steps. Help us to trust your leading, loosening our grip on our lives so that you can direct us.

Almighty God, we can find ourselves engulfed in darkness. Help us to see your light and to follow you to all that is good and right and true. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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