Sunday, September 10, 2023

Eco-composting, dog, and a worship weekend

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

DrHendy and IbuChrist come over in the afternoon to show the yardman (and us) how to compost, make natural pesticides, and create Eko-Enzymes from fruits, vegetables, and rice water. I take notes and have a 4-pages of scribbled "recipes" when they're done.

I'm glad they're here. Without Indonesian "garden words," for the life of me I haven't been able to explain composting or what the garden needs to PakA. (We composted and used natural pesticides in Seattle.) The past year, our garden has swarmed with pests. Worms ruin lemons as they ripen, bugs chew on the roses and hydrangeas, and larvae live in the jackfruit. Yay - now he can take care of that.

The dogs are thrilled with the added attention.


We're still not up to hiking. I live vicariously through pictures from the hiking group. W's almost over his flu and my lungs are healing. We walk the neighborhood loop twice before breakfast at #NaraPark. I have my usual Mi Rica (noodles with spicy sauce) and popcorn-fried shrimp/chicken. W chooses his favorite noodles. Then we walk a few blocks downhill to home. The dogs give us a raucous welcome anytime we enter the gate.

The fish are thriving in the new Bali-glass bowl. I love the way the morning sun shines through the water.

Back home, I type out the garden recipes from my scratchpad notes of yesterday.

After lunch, I spend three hours editing Volume 3 of my Pentecostal history series (on female global workers). Then it's sent off to W to edit the format for publishing it as a paperback. I'll be SO relieved to get that into print and off my to-do list! It's been on Kindle for a while.

IbuA and IbuS have been baking cookies most of the afternoon. The house smells of butter and sugar. They leave the last batch open to cool as they leave.
W walks to #NaraPark to get a pizza from #Pinetta. Delicious! We'll ask for less sauce next time (sweet bbq flavor) but the crust is crisp and the toppings are fresh. At Rp75.000 ($5), it's a no-brainer for supper.

At 5:00 a.m., I'm in a mastermind of smart, curious, and intentional women, watching their calling and gifts unfold. This is one of my favorite and most inspirational monthly meetings. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to be in their circle. They offer me wise and diverse counsel - leadership stuff that I would never learn without their help. I thank God for Alaine, Jenn, Keelee, and Kim this morning! (And we missed the other 3 members.)

By the time the sun comes up, I'm ready for a walk. Casey the little dog has come for a few days and she's one of the pack. The satpam (guard) at Padma snaps a shot of our little parade.

It's a writing and editing day. We pass along the rest of last night's sweet-sauced pizzas to PakG. In late afternoon, we stroll to #NaraPark for a no-sauce pizza. We bring the pizza home as the first raindrops in months hit the ground. The drizzle doesn't last long enough to do much good. (The taste is perfect! topped with pineapple, grilled mushrooms, and chopped green peppers.)


For the last month, we've been looking forward to having the worship team from IES ENCTR (Jakarta) with us. Vina has been working with Anthony's team to make it happen. The team is great fun but serious about their faith.

They start with an afternoon workshop.

They explain how their worship team has become cohesive and effective at leading their congregation into the presence of God. They have stricter requirements than we do. We get some good ideas for the future.

After a short break and snack, they lead the evening worship event.
The energy is young and vibrant.
It's a refreshing time together with several other churches in the city.

Alice has arranged all the food, including a boxed supper of smoked rice wrapped around shredded chicken. Yummy. W and I walk home after 8:00, sated inside and out. House lights are out by 10:00.

Before we leave in the morning, I call Casey to come eat but can't find her. Then I hear hissing upstairs. We don't have a cat, but little Casey has cornered a cat under the couch upstairs. And she's not letting that cat go anywhere. (They are the same size.)

When I pick up the dog, the cat races down the main stairs. I put Casey down to chase the cat through the living room and kitchen to the staircase for the laundry roof. Casey can't run the metal circular stairs so the cat dashes up and over the neighbor's shared wall to safety. Good doggie!

Casey eats breakfast and joins us outside. The dogs watch as we leave for church, not thrilled to be left behind.
Thierry from IES Jakarta speaks this morning. He encourages and challenges us all.
Listeners share their takeaways after he speaks.
Communion (the Eucharist) is truly international. IESB includes participants from every continent.
Lunch at Ethnic Resto is a feast of conversation and good company.
We're ready for a quiet afternoon after we stroll home.

Read more:

*When people fall, do they not get up again? If they go astray, do they not turn back? Jeremiah 8:4

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5

Moravian Prayer: Almighty God, we confess our sins before you this day. Forgive us and turn us toward you, we pray. Just as your apostles asked, we ask you to increase our faith, so that we too may experience your abundant acts of grace and love. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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