Sunday, April 28, 2024

A whole lot of shakin' going on ...

Thursday, April 25, 2024

I was studying and sorting computer files all afternoon yesterday. My eyes were bleary when I quit after 5:00 p.m. I got to "D" in the files about spiritual formation. I've got a long way to go today.

I find a chapter I wrote for a book long time ago. I don't remember the book and I certainly can't remember sending in the chapter. But there it is, a file in my cleanup. Who knew! I'm always writing so unless I make good money on it, it's sent off and forgotten. "Edit any way you want," I tell the editors. Once it's gone, it no longer has a hold on me.

Shibli's writing arrives via courier. He's written a chapter about his mom in Uganda for a book of stories about mothers. We're delighted when our team and Bandung students get published and otherwise thrive.

My spiritual director Alaine listens to my rambling. She reads a wonderful poem and gives some healthy feedback to set me back in balance.

W and I walk the dogs and chat. I've got a new idea for the next season. To come to life, it would take a lot of discussion and planning. I run it past a few people who know us well; they instantly cheer for the project. Let's see if or how it unfolds.

As I work, I listen to leadership podcasts on culture and human flourishing. "Anti-culture is hunting down cultural boundaries and destroying them." It's not building up or revising for improvement as sometimes advertised.

The first podcast is an interesting look at how Jesus is good news for everyone. The conversation between Canadian and New York pastors is fascinating; it includes current issues such as sexual re-identification, redefinition of culture, immigration, AI, and other trends.

PakG takes all our spare tables to the hall because the usual round tables will be in use elsewhere this Sunday. It takes a few trips with our SUV. It's one less thing to think about on the weekend.
When a roach runs across your foot, it doesn't matter how good you are at washing dishes. You drop the mug in the sink.
The walk is littered with dead creatures. This cicada is pretty, even upside-down.
The orange hedge replaces its flowers with beans when the blooms drop off.
This is a strange way to build: the walls of the new building go up around the old ruins - as the new walls spread, the old house is knocked down, room by room. It's a simultaneous process. The workers sleep in the part that still has a roof and will shift when the new roof is up.
W and I go to the hall to apply a film over the prayer room windows. We're blocking the view of sports equipment storage. I'm easily distracted by clutter so it's as much for me as anyone else.
We spray the windows and apply the reeded film, which easily peels off when no longer needed.
Have you ever seen anything like this, below? These guys are pulling illegal wires for cable or phone and tying them into existing items. They stand their metal ladder in the middle of the street and prop the top against the wires already strung. Two men brace the ladder at the bottom: the other climbs up to string the wire around the branches of the trees.
Close to home, the bromeliads are multiplying, bursting with life after all the rain.
Tomorrow we have company for lunch so I spend a few hours cooking. At 11:30pm, we wake with the bed shaking and the windows rattling. Should we go outside? Probably not - this old house has withstood more than this. The earthquake stops after 15 seconds or so, without causing damage at our place. We fall back asleep and hardly feel the aftershocks a half-hour later.
It's a full house at IES Bandung's Round Table Sunday. There are visitors from Australia and a few well-known faces from nearby. Here's what we talk about.
Ibu Titik arranges flowers for each table. This week, Clau will use them for an 8th-grade graduation party at her daughter's school. Their budget is small so the bouquets are a treat at the right time.
The main arrangement is a 5' stunner on the platform
The earthquake has shaken molding and a light off the ceiling in a storage closet. The table I wiped down yesterday? It's loaded with dirt from the windows and ceiling. We clean it up again. Otherwise, the hall looks fine. Thank you, God!
After the Gathering, it takes me under an hour to heat and plate the food. W grabs a lime off a garden tree to infuse the drinking water. There's even  time to run a bunch of cooking pots through the sink before we dine with these wonderful Filipino friends. 
Filipinos are hospitable, accustomed to sharing meals. Most of them teach in local school and are nearing the end of the school year. They bring main dishes and dessert. OH OH OH so good. The table groans with food. It's a treat to include some guests we haven't seen in a while, since they've moved to work in Jakarta.

We may have sent home other leftovers, but we keep what's left of their goodies for another meal. Delicious. It's precious to catch up and pray for each other around the table. Then we head to the Porch for a better photo.
Our stomachs are full. Our hearts are happy. It's a quick cleanup since the guests help a lot. A half-hour after they leave, a sink-full of dishes awaits tomorrow's helper. But the rest of the house is tidied and back to rest.
I sigh over the abundance of God's provision: people, resources, and food. Underserved and unearned, it makes me even more grateful for those reasons.

Read more:
*“This is what the Lord says—Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people, and what is yet to come—yes, let them foretell what will come.

Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” Isaiah 44:6-8 

*You say, “I am innocent; surely the Lord’s anger has turned from me.” Now I am bringing you to judgment for saying, “I have not sinned.” Jeremiah 2:35

*Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom. Luke 23:2

Moravian Prayer: Gracious Lord, our hearts need not be fearful or distrustful. We rejoice in knowing that because Jesus died for our sins, conquered death, and ascended into heaven, we will have life everlasting. Thank you, triumphant Lord. Amen.

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