Sunday, February 23, 2025

Cheering on our volunteers

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The dogs run through the garden and knock over a tall red flower. I bring it in for the dining table. Little black seeds drop all weekend. It's fun to scoop them up and toss them into the flower border.

We're back to walking. We're also back to sunshine between warm rains. The inauguration of the assistant governor is over. The fete is held nearby over three days with many guests.
We pass dozens of flower boards sent from big businesses and important people, wishing him well and making a statement of support. Those names are recorded so they may bring favors another day.
The flowers blooming along our driveway are simpler but just as pretty.
After reading tomorrow's talk together, W and I wrap up morning chores. Our first meeting is at Tanikota, where a group is hosting a free dental clinic. Art activities keep children and moms busy while Dr Gati does the checkups. Sayaka iss the dental hygienist and event organizer. John and Joy are supporting the efforts. Feibe and other volunteers pitch in.
They give instructions about gum and tooth care. DrG teaches me something new: teeth are rotting because kids (and parents) are eating for hours at a time as they watch videos or play games on their cellphones. Having food in their mouths for so long is not healthy =>> gum rot and tooth decay. Many children have black teeth.

Clau and Leo tack up coloring pages from the group. Shoes are lined up outside the "island" of carpet and tarps where families sit together.
Robin sends over lavender plants, which PakG pots up. I take Gypsy on a second loop around the block in the afternoon. The other dogs howl to go along but I just need one easy mile to keep me awake until sundown at 6:00. I don't have energy to take them all. Besides, they've had 3 walks already!

We've been up for hours by 7:00 AM. W drives to the hall but I hop out to shut the gate. Hmmm, why not walk? Our neighbor appear and we chat for a half-hour before I set off. It feels good to stretch my legs. Chika makes sure we snap a picture of volunteers in the prayer room before the Gathering.
Titik has done her usual "marvelous" with flowers for each table on Round Table Sunday.
Afterward, the Leadership Team hosts the annual congregational business meeting. They give financial and missions reports, encourage volunteers to participate, and pray over the congregation in closing. We announce that we will lead IES Bandung for a maximum of one more year. With that, the public search can commence for the next pastors.

Pak Tota knows a good noodle house in the city and invites a group to eat together in honor of Sam's visit from the USA and our return from abroad. Oh the taste and texture is GOOD: thick chewy noodles in spicy broth. We try a sour fruit drink (ambarella) that pairs nicely with the salt and spice of the main dish.
This old-style, 3-wheeled taxi sits across the street as we climb into Tota's car for a ride to the north end of Bandung.
We step onto the sidewalk where they turn in another direction to home, intending to call a Grab. But who gets to take such a beautiful walk on a Sunday? The weather is ideal: not too hot (74oF/23oC) and not too humid (80%). We're wearing comfy shoes, too.

We stroll a half-mile to our hill and then climb while upward, looking for a passing angkot (public passenger van). Within a mile, five chartered angkots go by, full of women and balloons (for what?!). There's no public transport in sight, which is unusual - there should have been 5 or 10 vans by now. At least that many descend the hill on the opposite side of the thoroughfare.
After 25 minutes, we leave the main street with its noise and pollution for a quieter road behind the university. We meet a movie night friend on the way.

He hails us: he'd planned to eat at a food court that isn't open. Since he's going to visit someone in our neighborhood, he follows through the lanes (jalan tikus or mouse street). My watch records 2 1/2 miles (3.5 km) to home. What a pleasant way to work off lunch without much effort.

W and I preview the film for the upcoming Movie Night.

The dogs are happy to do a loop walk first thing in the morning. Some meetings are cancelled. Some are added. Between meetings and getting over jet lag, we'll buy food, cook it, and host a dinner-and-a-movie on this final Wednesday before Ramadan = Muslim daytime fasting.

I water the Sunday bouquet by #titikbadudu and put it in the living room. It's a visual thrill of color and texture.
The baking attempt today is dinner rolls. It looks simple enough and we have a liter of mayonnaise in the fridge that has nothing to do. IbuS tackles it.
The study on the porch and online takes most of the morning.

Read more:
*Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, so that you may live. Deuteronomy 16:20

*Shepherd your people with your staff. Micah 7:14

**Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6

*Christ himself granted that some are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12

Moravian Prayer: Righteous and forgiving Savior, lead us daily on a path toward justice for all our brothers and sisters everywhere. Help us to always remember your commandment to love one another as you have loved us. 

Shepherd of souls, call us out of the sheepfold, the comfortable places of safety in our lives, that we might go out into the world with curiosity to discover the ways your love shows up. You don’t just call us to follow, you invite us to lead others to discover you in unexpected places. Amen.

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