Friday, February 28, 2025

"C'mon in": the mix of cultures at movie night

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

There's nothing like dinner-and-a-movie night. It's noisy, crowded, and a mix of heritages moving back and forth, from inside the house to the Porch. 5 years ago today, we hosted the last movie night before COVID hit, with 27 countries represented. No one knew how long the pause would last. (Or that it was coming.)

It's taken a while to pick up steam again, especially between travel and teaching schedules. Many faces have changed but the joy of being together continues. (5 years ago, below)

We decide on tonight, the only Wednesday option before Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month. We're dragging with jet lag but determined. W and PakG moved furniture around the living room yesterday. Today, W makes sure the projectors are working.

My part is hospitality. Cooking starts shortly after 4:00 AM, with a break to catch my breath in the afternoon. The helpers come about 3:00 PM and at night the crowd descends. Despite the drizzle that usually puts people off, the line stretches out the door. Love it!

We're watching This Beautiful Fantastic, a slow-starter of a film that unfolds scene by scene. The question is: "What assumptions do you make when you meet someone? Might a deeper connection change that?" Ok, so it's two questions.
Inside and out, the place is full and the sounds are happy. Several new friends join from the -stan countries and other places that dropped off during the pandemic.
 Our first movie night "son" Agus says goodbye as he is leaving to work on another island.
When everyone has gone, they have left behind a nice water bottle ...
and some sneakers. Apparently someone took our flip-flops and left their shoes. A fair exchange. haha


No one's up for a hike in the mountains so W and I take the dogs on several rounds of the neighborhood. It's a 9000- or 10,000-step day by the time all is done, same as a hike but less interesting.

We walk in our door in the time it would have taken to drive to the mountains. The hedges drip with multi-colored flowers. Nice! W sends his book draft to the editor today, so the extra morning is welcome.

We clean up from movie night = washing floors and ledges, vacuuming furniture and rugs, and putting art and furniture back in place.

Some of the tablecloths need cleaning. We lift the round center off the dining table, pull out the old cloth, and slide in a new color.

W stores away the technology and mostly replaces what he "undid" (furniture and plants) in preparation for movie night. The helpers and I do the rest.

We have opposite ways of working but have learned to be content after 47 years of marriage. While W prefers to do things himself so they are done "properly," I happily delegate general and repetitive chores. I don't mind investing time to teach someone whatever doesn't require my personal engagement. Once it's offloaded,  I won't think about that chore again - the details magically happen without me.

Chacha is setting up her office so she drops by for decorating ideas. We spend an hour considering possibilities. A blank slate: utter joy for me - and she's creative enough to have great fun with it, too.

After lunch, W and I head to the grocer. We forgot to buy vegetables for the salad yesterday; we're definitely lagging. A grocery list is a lifesaver. As the food is put away, the skies darken and the wind kicks up. "Rain, rain, go away ..." I write a half-dozen book reviews and download some upcoming books.


After movie night, there's at least a minor shift in placement. As we put things 'back' they may drift to a new spot. I like to notice things in a fresh way, whether it's a plant growing along the street, a piece of art, or a holdover from our former life.

In this case, I move two Bali glass/wood pieces previously used as aquariums on the Porch. All the fish died while we were traveling so the bowls were empty when we got home. Now they're decor on the library shelf.

Bailey our older mini poodle poops on the mat outside the bedroom door and I step in it. Ugh. I don't notice until I'm several steps into the bathroom, which calls for disinfecting shoe and floor. He wasn't around for the walk this morning so perhaps he wasn't let out in time.

The phone company has cancelled our accounts so W goes to find out what they're thinking at Telcomsel customer service. He comes home in time for a late lunch. I write the Foreword for his upcoming book and he sends that off.

A contractor and his assistant arrive, offering a budget for an upcoming project. Looks hopeful. We'll pore over the details and trim items in the next week, with the help of Google Translate.

The house is dark and quiet as we emerge into the day. We're out the door about 6:00 AM. The rain doesn't start until just after lunch but it's cool and breezy as we walk.
W hosts an online study after we come home. I make some calls, write book reviews, and prepare for tomorrow. I combine leftovers for lunch, to which W adds his beloved green Tabasco and grated parmesan cheese. Some hot red pepper powder and curry spice plus salt and pepper, jazzes up the last of the yogurt for a creamy side sauce.
Ramadan has started so there's no need to cook for PakG. (That often falls to me on Saturdays.) Those who adhere to strict Islamic rules will not eat or drink between agreed-on times of daylight. Even swallowing saliva is frowned upon.

Elders, pregnant women and children, manual laborers, and the ill are exempt from fasting. Those who find it too taxing eat or drink out of sight. Restaurants mount drop-down tarps across their windows to block out the "eaters" and make it easier on those who fast.

Read more:

*Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord or as his counselor has instructed him? ... Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:13, 28-31

*Jesus said, “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

Moravian Prayer: Gentle Wind, we long to feel your presence throughout our days. We sometimes lack the faith and vision to see your works and learn your ways, yet, deep down, we sense your Spirit guiding all that surrounds us. May we never feel apart from you. In the name of the Spirit, we pray. Amen.

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