Sunday, March 27, 2022

Happy birthday, Jono - and a walk in the park

Wednesday, March 23, 2022
March is an intermediate month. Even its journal page looks "between times." Every month I slather paint, markers, inks, or other art supplies across a double spread. Then I record the highlights of the month.
It's nice to sit outside with the breeze blowing across the balcony. But there's not much time. Mornings and early afternoons are spent at language school. Kristi and I learned about 100 words this week, but unlike the last time words were dumped on me, I actually know them.
IEP is a different kind of school. We haven't spoken this week in class. Instead, we've listened and pointed as the nurturer (their name for instructor) has spoken. And we've reviewed there and at home. We're pretty sure of what we've learned. Amazing. This is about a third of the words ...
It's our youngest son's birthday today. We have to wait until evening to call but he's on our minds. It's hard to be far away on milestone days.

Today, the workers are cleaning the sheds next door. The ants have chewed through the doorframes. Various critters have made themselves at home so there are drifts of animal poop, dirt, and wood chips. A wasp's nest is forming outside one windowsill. I knock it off.

You can't leave a place alone for long in the tropics. The jungle and the wild things quickly take over. The rooms have stood empty for over a half-year so maintenance is a chore.

It takes the women all day to remove dust from the high shelves and wash grit off floors and walls. The windows need another pass - they're barely see-through, even with the first scrub.

Meanwhile the garden is bursting with color.
After 3 days in class, Kristi and I are happy to head into the mountain forests with W and the rest of the Thursday Walkers. I'm out of shape, puffing uphill and skittering down. Half of us fall on the trail, which is slippery with layers of leaves and compost. No one is hurt and because it's damp not wet, we're not that dirty either. The dogs have a ball.
It's our friend Monique's birthday. She's younger than ever!
The local sap-collectors are busy around the pine trees. Their little plastic cups hang from cuts in the bark, catching the sticky sap that is used for glue, paint, and other goods.
At the beginning of the walk, we're clean and rested. That doesn't last long.
Afterward, we eat lunch at Sindang Reret. The tables inside the boats are full. Other tables are available. Australia, France, Canada, USA, and Pakistan are represented in our group.
On the way home, we pass a pet store. W stops to buy a replacement LED light for a fishbowl @$4.75. At that price I might just get another for Zoom calls. (There are bright warm whites plus a blue LED.)

The shop sells fish and supplies inside and birds in cages along the street, including chickens and a crowing rooster. The hens cackle in a competitive racket. SOOO loud!

I spot an unusually-colored lovebird. W asks the seller how much: $9. "Want it for your birthday?" (coming soon.) Sure. The seller grabs the bird and sticks him in a paper sack with a few holes in it. 

S/He joins our other two, who've been with us for 3 years. They pick on him and chase him around the cage.  I would have put them side by side in cages to acclimate but the seller told W:  "No problem. Just stick him in with the others." Hmmm. We'll see how that goes.
We call Jonathan, who's still celebrating his birthday in N America. W and I gift him with the worst rendition of Happy Birthday, started too high with sleep-voices that haven't spoken many words yet. We're all cracking up. J is gracious about it. We pray over him and wish him the best of the day and the coming year.

Picking up Indonesian, W's enjoying the Duolingo app. Today is this week's last day of language school for Kristi and me. When we return home in mid-afternoon, the helper has washed some decrepit furniture from the other yard  and moved it into the sheds. The landlord says we can use the empty rooms until the place is rented out.

In exchange, our yard guy keeps the high grass cut and prunes the branches. Good for us and the landlord - it's harder for jungle creatures and snakes to feel at home in house and yard when things are trimmed. 
The landlord's nephew stops by to check the condition of the place, just as things are tidied. Our big dogs run around both yards. They make a ruckus when someone come near. At night, they might even take a chunk out of an unannounced visitor ...
Mom sent along a beautiful tablecloth a while back, which has new food spots on it. I take a picture so that it will be ironed back into a flat shape.

"We need your Mom to come do the tablecloth, don't you think?" W jokes. She's always found laundry and ironing satisfying work. Her linens are clean and perfectly pressed, including this one.
Hard to believe it's the weekend again. We have a watch party coming up on Sunday. Can't wait.

The groomers make beauties of our two shaggy poodles. They loved their Thursday romp in the woods but it's time to clean up. Gypsy barks his head off at the two men and then lies down close to me. He hates being groomed and has the day off. Lucky dog.

After an afternoon walk in the drizzle, the dogs chill out on the steps. The poodle hair is already starting to curl.
At the end of the month, I write newsletters, which is my main work for today. First, IbuAde arrives to unknot the kinks in my back; she's a kind and competent masseuse. I could have a massage 2X a week here for what one massage costs me in Seattle. (But ...nope! There's too much to do and too little time already - hehe)

I pick flowers for the little umbrella stand in the bathroom. It's the perfect size for counter storage.
W kneads pizza dough while I prepare toppings. He par-bakes the crusts before we eat. Everyone  chooses their own toppings - so good.

A group of 14 attends the watch party on the porch. We talk about our takeaways and pray together. before our pizza lunch.
Pak Danny brings organic and aquaculture greens from Tanikota Farm to share with everyone.
We tidy up, everyone pitching in and Rafael and Kirsten helping out. We're thankful for the helper who will do the final cleanup tomorrow. Then it's time for a Sabbath rest.

Read more:

*The Lord said, “When they call to me, I will answer them.” Psalm 91:15

*Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.

Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,

praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe,

praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150

*The same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. Romans 10:12

Moravian Prayer; Sending Savior, bless our feet with good news, and send us to preach by faithful word and loving service. May all who hear, believe—and all who believe, call on you, that they may share life in your name and perfect will. Amen.

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