Friday, March 18, 2022

This to that, and a happy birthday wish

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Special day? Of course: it's my 2nd brother's birthday. He's the only sibling left in the same town as Mom. He's the family hero for taking good care of her while the rest of us are scattered around the world. She dotes on him, too (between instructions of what else needs doing.) So, "Happy Birthday, Norm!"

We walk a larger loop, just one round this time. W has an online study at 7:30; K's on a Zoom call at 8:00; and HURRAH, M's "outa jail!" with a negative test yesterday. I'm packing for a trip and working on the porch.

We're looking forward to having people on the porch and in the house again. The latest COVID wave is starting to ebb. Seems like everyone is catching it, has it, or is over it.

When we moved into the house, there was a garden shed with "nothing but junk" in it. We found an old window for a coffee table since we had a metal frame for outside.

I can't tell you how many cups of tea and how many plates have tipped on and off the window frame. Yesterday, we reset the porch and other space with tables from a restaurant close-out. Thanks to Becky for the big flat surfaces.

The old tables move to the parking pad. The yardman cleared it of sampah (any kind of rubbish) last week. When we get back, I'll tackle that space.

We're reclaiming the yard bit by bit after its long pandemic rest.

The entry porch slowly morphed from this (above) to this (below). The bench is perfect for putting on your shoes. Culture note: you never wear street shoes in the house. You're not supposed to wear them on the porch but we treat it as transitional space. We have a rack of flip-flops for guests.
Beside the porch is a patch of the black berries that the helpers plant here and there. I asked yesterday if they were going to harvest them for their sambal (spicy sauce) and they said, "No, we'll take those seeds and plant more so we have lots." I tell them where they can plant - otherwise things sprout all over.
All kinds of dishes are seasoned from the yard. IbuA brings back a handful of ginger-like tubers that she picks from the back. Hmmm. I just used to cut off thosee tall stems and big leaves for flower arrangements. One root looks like a little monster.
The sun glances off the planters filled with water. The predictable rhythm of life - morning and evening, morning and evening - reminds me of God's faithful love. Whether you're a good or horrible person, everywhere in the world, he sends the sun and the moon to bless you.

The greens are restful for my weary eyes after a day online. When I'm stumped or need inspiration, I watch the garden grow.
The roses and grasses planted 2 months ago are thriving.
Seeing the delicate but sturdy grass fronds wave in the breeze makes me happy.

Restrictions on domestic travel have eased. No more nose-pokes for our trip to Bali tomorrow. We're off to a company conference. Bali by air is closer than driving Seattle to Portland, with cheap tickets. We miss many things, not being near family and old friends. But having Bali nearby? That's a definite perk.

As the afternoon fades away, we check messages one more time before a final sleep in our own bed. 

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