Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cookie monster and tree stumps


It's the best kind of morning on the Porch, making calls, writing, and reading. There's a new crop of lemons - this tree bears fruit most of the year.

The goats next door are in full wailing mode. They've cleared the brush and grass from the overgrown lot next door. They are also the designated lawnmowers for the neighbor's yard.

The sun's out after a chilly night (16oC/61oF). The wind kicks up, clanging the chimes along the roofline. We try some carrot cake that we found in the freezer. Where oh where did this come from? It's delicious.

I have an in-person meeting before W and I eat lunch at Miss Bee.  I choose 3 little chicken tacos - I'm not very hungry.

Indonesia remembers Mohammed's birthday today. Without helpers at the house, we enjoy the quiet. and confirm that all is back in place after movie night.

In the evening, W  picks up our IES Bandung weekend guest at the train station. We take Neil for supper at #NaraPark.

"If I had known it was this beautiful in Bandung, I would've brought my kids," Neil says.

Overhead, I see a cloud and wonder if God is debating what kind of weather to send tomorrow. (Can you see the bent upper figure with a hand to his cheek and "hmmmm...?")


7:30 is prayer time. 

Then we enjoy the Gathering with our speaker from Penang. There's a team member from a church plant in Taiwan, too. How cool to meet you, Georgie.

After we enjoy the Community Table, where we snack on food and conversation. It's team meeting for an hour: Hanny is preaching next week, so she gets to practice on us first.

Then a  group gather at Karnivor for lunch. Our guests have to leave early to catch the airport shuttle and keep other appointments.

Titik Badudu has made the most beautiful flowers for the hall. 
"And for your anniversary," she explains. They look wonderful with the "autumn colors" in the living room.
Walking. Calls. Editing. A university press has asked me to edit a journal article with a quick turnaround. It's due next week so it takes concentration. The proofreader did a good job. It takes a few hours in three focus sessions. Each time I'm interrupted, it takes me 15-20 minutes to reconnect with the ideas.
We meet a friend for lunch and theology insights at #WaroengEthnic. W orders the traditional nasa kuning (yellow rice).
I just love the taste of Ethnic's oncom I (rice wrapped in banana leaves, with crispy additives - plus some traditionally stewed beef).
On the way home, we marvel at the contrast: one tree is leafing out after severe pruning. The other, hard-cut at the same time, has no new growth so the vine are taking over.
We walk a loop with the dogs before the calls and meetings begin. This neighbor's house has a beautiful rhythm of rooftop pots: they are filled with asparagus ferns.
On the side of the road, water repairs are ongoing. The little sandbags prevent motorcycles or cars from driving into the deep hole. See the water pipe (2"/4.5cm?) below?
Overhead, some trees are flowering.
An in-person chore is renewing our access to our bank account. Vadhia says her name comes from her combined heritage: a Sundanese mom and a Minadonese father.
After lunch, the yardman sands stumps to be used for seating in the yard.
The wood needs resin to fill the cracks that showed up when it dried. It will be coated in polyurethane before being put in the rain and sun. At the back of the yard, two trees are dropping cloves by the hundreds. No one wants to pick them since COVID-19. The prices plunged and it's too little gain for the effort. (See the brownish-grey cloves ripe on the trees?)
"Then pick them off the ground," I instruct the guys. "Put a tarp under and beat the branches with a bamboo rod if you can't find someone willing to climb up for them."

No one seems enamored of the bland flavor of the current peanut butter cookies. I look up a new recipe and ask IbuA to try it out. She's a wonderful baker and cook.
If you've got a winning recipe for p-butter cookies, please send it my way. Our "35-years-of-recipes" book was lost before we came to Indonesia. I miss all recipes for Christmas baking, Thanksgiving specials, and birthdays. Oh well.

Read more:

*When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. Psalm 94:19

Jesus said, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done.” Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength. Luke 22:42-43

*Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:15-20

Moravian Prayer: God, when our days are tiresome, please reveal your presence and give us the patience to move on. When our days are filled with joy, continue to sing your songs from heaven above to cheer us. Amen. 

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